Sharks. What do we think about those creatures? Would being eaten by one be bad? That’s the philosophical question at the heart of the 47 Meters Down franchise. If you’re not familiar with the 47MD films here’s a quick catch up. There are two of them and they both involve people not wanting to be eaten by sharks.
The first 47 Meters Down is the tale of two sisters who get trapped in a diving cage and then have to deal with sharks attempting to eat them. One of the sisters was played by Mandy Moore and the other by somebody who was not Mandy Moore.
The sequel, 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, deals with zero Mandy Moores, a completely different pair of sisters, their pals and that cage from the first one? Well, it’s gone. You could say, that this 47 Meters Down is… Uncaged.
Now, the burning question on everybody’s lips is ‘what it be like if I were in… 47 Meters Down: Uncaged?’ How would I, Peter Jones, even fit into a film like that?
47 Meters Down: Uncaged follows three school friends and one bullied stepsister as they dive into an ancient underground temple for a look-around. While under the water they bump into a pair of blind sharks who have made their home in the darkness.
The two sisters have a father, and that father is an archaeologist named Grant and that is where I come in. If I were in 47 Meters Down: Uncaged I would be friends with the dad.
So here now is a new scene that can be retroactively added to the film 47 Meters Down: Uncaged where I make an appearance.